Fight Or Flight: A South Side Story
Forbidden love and fierce rivalry drive Jeff Hollister, a street-smart high school senior and gang leader of the Hurricanes, to the brink of disaster. Thinking he’s got the world in his back pocket, and the police at a safe distance, he and his scrappy gang of teenage delinquents come to discover they don’t always come out on top after all.
As I work to get this webpage viable, I wanted to take a moment early on to shout out to my editor, Anne Victory, and her wonderful editing services company, Victory Editing. While I’ve never actually met Anne in person–I’ve only spoken to her on the telephone–I nonetheless feel that she has been a great ally in my efforts to self-publish Fight or Flight. Victory Editing has it all, from development editing to line editing to proofreading, not to mention an invaluable Oops Detection service designed to catch those little nagging errors in punctuation, usage, and other annoying little bugs that persist in your writing no matter how many times your bloodshot eyes glaze over your prose. Anne has been patiently supportive of me for many years and has employed her nationwide team–and even as far as Australia–to help me, as she puts it, to Put My Best Book Forward. I stumbled upon Anne on the Internet many years ago–perhaps even before there was a Victory Editing–so it’s fascinating to see how she has grown her company into a multi-faceted service platform that still keeps her clients’ needs at heart. And while Fight or Flight has been out now for nearly a year, I know I can still turn to her for support and answers to my questions, and I’m also currently part of her NetGalley Co-op service to help me in my promotional efforts. There’s a whole lot more that she does that I haven’t taken full advantage of, and she does it all from her home in Louisiana, which makes me cringe a little every time I see some massive rainstorm on the Weather Channel laying siege on her state. But she soldiers on in spite of hurricane-force winds and rising floodwaters, and we free-lancers are the better for it. If you’re an aspiring writer who needs some good editing–and we all do–I recommend dropping a dime on Anne! (Gawd, does anyone even say that anymore?)